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Third International Platinum Conference
'Platinum in Transformation'
Sun City, South Africa, 5-9 October 2008
Please note that this provisional programme is still subject to change.
Sunday 5 October 2008
5:00pm - 6:00pm Early Registration
5:00pm - 8:00pm Welcome / Cocktail party
The technical sessions take place in two separate conference rooms.
Parallel sessions are indicated as 'A' and 'B' sessions according to
which room they are in.
Monday 6 October 2008
7:00am - 8:30am Registration
8:00am Session 1A - Opening Session (Chaired by Mike Rogers)
8:00am Welcome and official opening
Andrie Garbers-Craig, President, SAIMM
8:15am Summary and outlook for platinum group metals supply and demand (Keynote address)
Mark Bedford, Johnson Matthey plc
8:50am (Keynote address)
Mzila Mthenjane, Royal Bafokeng Holdings
9:25am The state of the PGM industry covering (generically) from
supply-demand tensions, industry capacity to meet demand,
consolidation and rationalization in the SA industry (Keynote address)
Mike Solomon, Wesizwe Platinum
10:00am Platinum Origins Centre
Francis Gerard, Totem Media
10:10am Sponsor's address
10:20am Sponsor's address
10:30am Tea
11:00am Session 2A - Mineral Processing (Chaired by Caroline Dunne)
11:00am Pilot and laboratory test procedures for the design of
semi-autogenous grinding circuits treating platinum ores
A.L. Hinde and J.T. Kalala, Mintek
11:25am Real-time mill management tools stabilising your milling process
B. Clermont, B. de Haas, O. Hancotte, Magotteaux International s.a., Belgium
11:50am HPGR - revolution in platinum?
C.M. Rule, Anglo Platinum, D.M. Minnaar, Northam Platinum,
and G.M. Sauermann, Polysius, a Division of ThyssenKrupp Engineering
12:15pm The significance of grinding environment on the flotation of UG2 ores
C.J. Greet, Magotteaux Australia
12:40pm Fine grinding - Developments in ceramic media technology and
resulting improved plant performance at Anglo Platinum
C.M. Rule, L. Knopjes, Anglo Platinum,
B. Clermont, and C. Philippe, Magotteaux International
1:05pm The commissioning of the first HPGR in the PGM industry at
Mogalakwena North (Presentation only)
I. Smit and C.M. Rule, Anglo Platinum
11:00am Session 2B - Geology (Chaired by Theo Pegram)
11:00am The effect of ignoring the sample support on the global and
local mean grade estimates, mineral resource classification, and project
valuation of variable width Merensky and UG2 Reef orebodies
D.R. Young, The Mineral Corporation
11:25am The litho-stratigraphy and geological setting at Garatouw farm
on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex (Presentation only)
Z. Dube, T.D. Manyeruke, D. Netshitungulu, and
A.J. van der Merwe, Nkwe Platinum
11:50am Predictability of pothole characteristics and their spatial
distribution at Rustenburg Platinum Mine (Rustenburg Section)
G. Chitiyo, J. Schweitzer, S. de Waal, P. Lambert, and
P. Ogilvie, Anglo Platinum
12:15pm Selection of reef cuts in variable Merensky reef (Presentation only)
D. Hoffmann and N. Wansbury, Lonmin Platinum
12:40pm Facies variation in the Merensky Reef at Bafokeng Rasimone
Platinum Mine
P. Moodley, Anglo Platinum
1:05pm The use of borehole radar in detecting disruptions in
platiniferous horizons in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - the financial
P. du Pisani, Geosciences Research Group, S. Coomber,
G. Chitiyo, V. Daniso, and S. Mamba, Anglo Platinum
1:30pm Lunch
2:30pm Session 3A - Mineral Processing (Chaired by Mike Rogers)
2:30pm Exhibitors slot 1
2:35pm Ultra fine grinding of intermediate flotation concentrates in the
PGM industry at the Pt Mile operation on Anglo Platinum tailings
C.M. Rule, L. Knopjes, Anglo Platinum, and
R.J. Atkinson, Platinum Mile Resources
3:00pm Energy considerations in the current PGM processing flowsheet
utilizing new technologies
C.M. Rule, Anglo Platinum Management Services
3:25pm Mainstream inert grinding with IsaMills - a recovery initiative
R. Jones, C.M. Rule, and L. Knopjes, Anglo Platinum
2:30pm Session 3B - Rock Engineering (Chaired by Stephen Forrest)
2:30pm Exhibitors slot 2
2:35pm Nonlinear rock behaviour and its implications on deeper-level
platinum mining
B.P. Watson, J.S. Kuijpers, G. Henry, C.E. Palmer, CSIR,
and J.A. Ryder, Ryder Marketing and Research
3:00pm Resin bolting in South African platinum mines with a focus on
development and stoping operations
P.H. Ferreira and D. Franklin, Minova RSA
3:25pm The use of granulated blast furnace slag based binders with
platinum tailings for underground support systems
R. Smart, and D. van Heerden, Minova RSA
3:50pm Tea
4:20pm Session 4A - Mining General (Chaired by Luke Zindi)
4:20pm Exhibitors slot 3
4:25pm Exhibitors slot 4
4:30pm Boynton Platinum introduces the Pilanesberg Platinum Mines, a
new open pit mining project on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex (Presentation only)
J. Astrup, C. Bronn, J. Derbyshire, and T. Holohan, Boynton Platinum
4:55pm Centralized wireless remote blasting
M. Woodhall, GMSI
5:20pm Scraper winch pull force investigation
D. Janicijevic, Anglo Platinum
6:00pm Jewellery exhibition cocktail party
Tuesday 7 October 2008
8:00am The problem with engineering, and the role of the EPCM
contractor in resolving the skills shortage (Keynote address)
Nigel Townshend, TWP Consulting
8:35am Sponsor's address
Wesizwe Platinum
8:45am Sponsor's address
Nkwe Platinum
8:55am Sponsor's address
Anglo Platinum
9:05am Juice break
9:15am Session 5A - Pyrometallurgy (Chaired by Rodney Jones)
9:15am Exhibitors slot 5
9:20am Commercialization of the ConRoast process
R.E. Phillips, Braemore Resources plc, R.T. Jones,
Mintek, and P. Chennells, Braemore Resources plc
9:45am Development of roasting parameters for the ConRoast process with low-sulphur
E. Eccleston, Technip USA Inc., and J. White, Hazen Research Inc., USA
10:10am Water atomisation of PGM-containing intermediate alloys
J.J. Dunkley, Atomising Systems, D. Norval,
Bateman Engineering Projects, R.T. Jones, Mintek, and P. Chennells,
Braemore Platinum Smelters
10:35am The roasting of PGM-ore concentrates in a circulating fluidized bed
J. Hammerschmidt, Outotec Metals Processing, Germany
9:15am Session 5B - Mine Mechanisation (Chaired by Frank Egerton)
9:15am Exhibitors slot 6
9:20am Does project management really add value?
H.W. Read, Read Swatman & Voigt
9:45am Integrated design of an XLP Dozer
S.G. Olsen, R.A. Hall, University of British Columbia,
L.K. Daneshmend, Queen's University, and P.F.R. Murphy, Sandvik
Mining & Construction
10:10am The implementation of mechanized breast mining and the
development of XLP equipment
R.G.B. Pickering and F. Leon, Sandvik
10:35am Blind boring system
P. Kogler, Sandvik Mining & Construction
11:00am Tea
11:30am Session 6A - Pyrometallurgy & Modelling (Chaired by Jacques Eksteen)
11:30am Exhibitors slot 7
11:35am Pyrometallurgical iron removal from a PGM-containing alloy
S.D. McCullough, I.J. Geldenhuys, and R.T. Jones, Mintek
12:00pm A system for the energy-effective feeding of concentrate into furnaces
J.P. Kirsch, Clyde Materials Handling Africa
12:25pm Towards sustainable energy efficiency and improved throughput:
Gains made on Anglo Converter Process with the installation of dewatering
N.T. Mudzanapabwe and E.D. Dippenaar, Anglo Platinum
12:50pm Furnace energy efficiency at Polokwane Smelter
P.K. van Manen, Polokwane Smelter, Anglo Platinum
11:30am Session 6B - Mine Mechanisation (Chaired by Rod Pickering)
11:30am Exhibitors slot 8
11:35pm Saving energy by replacing compressed air with localized
hydropower systems: a 'half level' model approach
P. Fraser, Hydro Power Equipment
12:00am Anglo Platinum extra low profile (XLP) mechanized equipment
implementation - an update
G.A. Harrison, Anglo Platinum
12:25pm Methodology to determine the optimal replacement age of mobile
mining machines
D. Nurock and C. Porteous, Sandvik Mining
1:15pm Lunch
2:15pm Session 7A - Pyrometallurgy (Chaired by Lloyd Nelson)
2:15pm Exhibitors slot 9
2:20pm Latest results of the slag cleaning reactor for copper recovery
and its potential for the PGM industry
R. Degel, H. Oterdoom, J. Kunze, SMS Demag,
A. Warczok, and G. Riveros, Universidad de Chile
2:45pm Developing a Tap-block Diagnostic System
L.H. Gunnewiek, J. Suer, R. MacRosty, Hatch Ltd,
T. Gerritsen, and A. Karges Teck Cominco Metals Ltd
3:10pm Computational fluid dynamic modelling of a three-phase electric
smelting furnace in the platinum smelting process
J.J. Bezuidenhout, J.J. Eksteen, and S.M. Bradshaw, University of Stellenbosch
3:35pm Towards electrode immersion control on Lonmin's No. 1 circular
G. Georgalli, University of Stellenbosch, and J.J. Eksteen,
R. Bezuidenhout, B. van Beek, and T. Goff, Lonmin Platinum
2:15pm Session 7B - Mine Planning and Financial Management (Chaired by Tom van den Berg)
2:15pm Exhibitors slot 10
2:20pm Platinum, electricity, and the economy
L.C. Stillwell, Read, Swatman & Voigt
2:45pm The concept of value based management and its application in
developing value maximizing strategies at Anglo Platinum
L. van Wyk and G.L. Smith, Anglo Platinum Ltd
3:10pm Ranking the efficiency of selected platinum mining methods using
the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
C. Musingwini and R.C.A. Minnitt, University of the Witwatersrand
3:35pm The concept of project value tracking and its application in
project planning at Anglo Platinum
J. Pearson-Taylor, and G.L. Smith, Anglo Platinum Ltd
4:00pm Tea
4:30pm Session 8A - Mining Management and Engineering Services (Chaired by Frank Egerton)
4:30pm AziSA: improving mining decisions with real time data
D. Vogt, V.Z. Brink, R. Stewart, S. Donovan, J. Haarhoff, and
G. Ferreira, CSIR
4:55pm Cooling power for a new age
M. Biffi and D.J. Stanton, Anglo Platinum Ltd
5:20pm Converting Anglo Platinum mines from capped fuse and igniter cord
blast initiation systems to shock tube based blast initiation systems
M. Stander, Anglo Platinum, V.J. Solomon, and N. MacNulty,
Victor Solomon and Associates
5:45pm Feasibility studies for resource projects (presentation only)
M.J. Mothomogolo, TWP Consulting
4:30pm Session 8B - Mine Planning and Financial Management (Chaired by Gordon Smith)
4:30pm Funding of platinum projects: Key issues for consideration
(Presentation only)
R. Demana and T. Molebatsi, Nedbank Capital
4:55pm Strategic mine planning - Communicating uncertainty with scenarios
G.L. Smith, S.N. Surujhlal, and K. Manyuchi, Anglo Platinum Ltd
5:20pm The application of economic modelling to enhance decision-making
at Lonmin Platinum
J.H.K. Hudson, M. Maynard, and B. Kloppers, Lonmin Platinum
5:45pm Optimizing project value by defining and modelling key drivers
in the concept phase
H. Griesel, Anglo Platinum
7:00pm for 7:30pm Conference Dinner - Valley of the Waves
Wednesday 8 October 2008
8:00am Session 9A - New Projects (Chaired by Wally Waldeck)
8:00am (Keynote address)
Stuart Lawrence, DRA International
8:35am Sponsor's address
Atlas Copco
8:45am Sponsor's address
8:55am The Kalahari Platinum Project
J.D. Lewins, S. Hunns, Platinum Australia Ltd, and J. Badenhorst, GeoActive
9:20am The challenges of infrastructure development in the Eastern Limb
of the Bushveld Complex of South Africa
G.L. Smith, F.A.C. da Lomba, and D.C. Andersen, Anglo Platinum Ltd
9:55am No. 17 Shaft project - Overcoming 'fourth generation' technical
L. Zindi, Impala Platinum
10:20pm Redefining competitive advantage in the South African platinum market
T. van den Berg, Anglo Platinum
10:45am Tea
11:15am Session 10A - Marketing (Chaired by Jim Porter)
11:15am Exhibitors slot 11
11:20am Exhibitors slot 12
11:25am What is your PGM concentrate worth?
L.A. Cramer, Best Met
11:50am Future shifts in PGM demand - The impact of technological
and economic scenarios on future metal demand
J.C. Watts, S.A. Forrest, B. Clarke, and O. Atilan, SFA Oxford Ltd
12:15pm Where is platinum heading?
B. Genc, University of the Witwatersrand
12:40pm Upcoming economic hurdles for new South African platinum supply
B. Clarke, S. Forrest, and A. Ryan, SFA Oxford Ltd
1:05pm Platinum supply and demand: A mine too far (Presentation only)
D. Davis, Credit Suisse Standard Securities
1:30pm Fuels cells, commercialization and PGMs (Presentation only)
K. Adamson, Fuel Cell Today, Johnson Matthey
2:05pm Closing Comments (Mike Rogers)
2:10pm Lunch
3:00pm End of conference
Thursday 9 October 2008
Technical Visits (optional)